Creating an Appointment Master Record

Fee Plus allow your customer to make an appointment booking themselves via the Fee Plus business page.

To enable this function, you will need to first create an appointment master record where you can set the appropriate options for the appointment.

Click on the “Add a New Appointment” button in the Appointments List page to open up the Create a New Appointment’s Master Record page.

NOTE: You can accessed the Appointment List page via the Calendar menu.

Fill up the necessary fields in the form and click “Create” button to create the record.



The following are the appointment fields and it’s description:

Field Name Description
Appointment Title The title of the appointment
Duration The duration of the appointment in minutes
Passes If this appointment require passes to book, check Require pass to book this appointment checkbox and select number of passes to be deducted at the bottom of the checkbox.
Minimum Day The number of days after today that the customer can only book the appointment.
For example:

  • 0 – customer can book the appointment from now onward
  • 1 – customer can book the appointment starts tomorrow
  • 2 – customer can only book appointment starts the day after tomorrow
Time-slots’ Duration The duration of the time slot shown that customer can select. For example a 60 minutes duration will only allow customer to select the time slot of 2pm, 3pm, 4pm and so on. Where as a 15 minutes duration will allow customer to select the time slot of 2.00pm, 2.15pm, 2.30pm, 2.45pm, 3.00pm and so on.
Appointment Description A short description of the appointment
Stakeholder Options
Require Stakeholder Whether this appointment require stakeholder when customer make the booking.
Private Stakeholder If this appointment require a stakeholder to proceed with the booking, checking this option will create further restriction that only assigned stakeholder can be selected by the customer. You can assign a private stakeholder to the customer in their service’s customer page.
Restrict Stakeholders You can restrict the list of stakeholders shown in the appointment here. For example you just want Barbara to handle this particular appointment, add Barbara into this list and customer can only select Barbara when they are making this appointment booking.
Location Options
Require Location Check this if this appointment require location when making a booking request.
Allow Location Selection Allow the customer to select location when they making a booking request. Uncheck this option if you do not want your customer to make any location selection.
Automatically Select Next Available Location If this option is checked, Fee Plus will select the next available location for the time slot that he selected.
Restrict Locations You can restrict the list of location shown in the appointment here. For example certain appointment can use Room A and Room B only. Add Room A and Room B into this list and customer can only select either this two rooms when they are making the booking request.
Service Options
Restrict Services You can restrict the list of services that customer can select here. Usually are the services with passes. For example customer can only use Private Passes 10 to book this appointment although the customer has other Passes with your business.


Sample Screen

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