Business Settings


  1. General Info
  2. Location
  3. Business Type Naming
  4. Business Description
  5. Financial Settings
  6. Document Number Settings
  7. Business Working Hours
  8. Communications

General Info

In short, business logo is your branding. Fee Plus will show your logo when there is a need to identify your business.

When you have update your own logo, Fee Plus will show it in:

  • business profile page
  • business application page, and as business application icon
  • email sent out on behalf of your business

You can add, change or remove your logo in the Business Logo Settings.

Business Username

Business username is another type of identity for your business in Fee Plus. When this is set, your business profile can be assessed via:{your business username}

While your business application can be assessed via:{your business username}/app

Your customer can easily make an appointment and join an event via:{your business username}/booking{your business username}/events




Address will be shown in your business profile page for your customer to locate your business.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

The GPS is a “constellation” of approximately 30 well-spaced satellites that orbit the Earth and make it possible for people with ground receivers to pinpoint their geographic location1.

In Fee Plus, your business GPS will shown in the business profile page, and customer’s events so that they can easily view your business location in Google Map or use any navigation application to direct them to your business’ location.

Get Current Location

The the current location from your mobile phone or laptop’s GPS. If your device does not has GPS hardware, the location will either get it from Wi-Fi-based Geolocation or location of cell tower if your device has WWAN radios (smartphones, 3G/4G tablets, etc.).

Get GPS Coordinates From Address

You can try to get the GPS location from the address that you have keyed in. If it is not accurately pin point to your location, you can try to set the location yourself as below – Custom Location Setup.

Custom Location Setup

To edit your business location’s GPS coordinate, click on the Map shown in the Location panel. If the Map is not shown, click either “Get Current Location” button or “Get GPS Coordinates From Address” button to show the Map.

An Edit Location page will shown up. You can search the location, and drag the marker to accurately pin point your business location. Click “Set Location” button and “Save” button to save the changes.


Business Type Naming

Fee Plus is cater for multi-type business mainly in education, maintenance based business, rental collection, membership, and subscription based business.

In this setting, you can assign your own term for services, customers and stakeholders for easy navigation in Business Administrator Console.


Business Description

Business description will be shown in your business profile page.

Short Description

This short description will shown in the banner of your business profile. For example single word of the services you provided.

Long Description

Long description will shown in your business profile page. This is where you explain further and list down the description of each of the services you provide, age restriction, etc.


Financial Settings


The currency wording that will shown in the invoice you issued.


Invoice Title is the document name when your customer make payment, and you issue a receipt. It can be “Invoice”, “Receipt”, “Bill”, etc.

Enable Settlement

When this option is checked, Fee Plus will store all collection recorded by you and your employees, and will show you how much each of you have collected in the Financial page.

When you collect the money from them, or you are checking the total fees you have collected, the amount will shown in the settlement page. This is a very important feature  to make sure the fees collected are correct. When you make the settlement (collect the money from your employees, or have finalize the fees you have collected are correct), the amount will reset and will be counted again the next time any of your business employee collect money from your customers.


Click on “Registered Business” if your business require to charge Service or Sales tax to each of the invoice you issued.


Document Number Settings

Each customers, invoices and service sheets are unique. Hence, giving them a document number will easily identify them.

As a base, each business will at least has one customer number, invoice number and service sheet number depending on the module you have take up.

You can add multiple invoice numbers to cater for your business needs. For example, you can assign invoice number starts with Y00001 for Yoga Invoices, and B00001 for Ballet Invoices. When these invoice numbers has been setup, you can assign the Default Invoice Document Number in each of the services you created and when next time you select the service in the invoice, Fee Plus will knows about it and prompt you the correct invoice number for the service you issued.


Business Working Hours

Business working hours will be used when your customer making an appointment booking. If there is a single record of business working hours set, Fee Plus will only allow the time within the set business working hours for customer to select.



Enable SMS

Enable SMS if you would like to send SMS to customer when they make a payment and sending important announcement to your customer.

Contact us if this option is disabled and you would like to enable this service.

SMS Name

This SMS Name will be shown in the beginning of every SMS that Fee Plus send on behalf of your business. With this, the SMS branding is all yours.

SMS Options – SMS Payment

When is option is checked, Fee Plus will send SMS to customer with a valid mobile phone number when they make a payment.



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