
Fee Management Software

Introducing FeePlus - a web-based application that helps to manage and track the fee collection of your business plus useful features to ease your dreaded day-to-day administrative work.

Know who has paid and who hasn't!

A Fee Management System
FeePlus records your customers’ fee payments when you issue invoices. It then tells you who has not pay their monthly fee up to date.

Issue invoices instantly, anytime, anywhere

An Invoicing System
A web-based application means you can access FeePlus in any device's browser. Whether you have a dedicated cashier, or you are a freelance teacher, you are able to collect payment and issue invoice instantly with FeePlus in the reception counter or in the class. You can chose to email the invoice or send an SMS to customer as proof of payment – saving time writing a receipt.

Go Paperless

You can chose to email or SMS the invoice to your customer instantly as a proof of payment.

No Paper Clutters

FeePlus records all the issued invoices and you can retrieve it in soft copy anytime for accounting purposes.

Reduce Fault

Furthermore, with FeePlus, you will knows the total amount of money each of your employees has collected and collect from them at the end of the day.

Scheduling classes in a click

A Calendaring System
FeePlus has a comprehensive calendaring system. You can create a single event for your private one-to-one appointment, or a recurring weekly events for your tutoring classes. While cancelling an event, reschedule or change the events’ location is just a click away. All the related participants will be notified automatically via email or SMS.

Take your students' attendance with mobile phone

An Attendance System
Taking attendance using FeePlus also means able to view it anywhere, live. Deduct passes instantly while taking attendance easily track your customer's remaining passes.

Book or accept appointments online

A Digital Assistant
Taking appointment booking is automatic with FeePlus. With accurate calendaring information, business hours and appointment setup, FeePlus will know which hour is available when your customer making appointment booking online via FeePlus.

Track customers' passes with ease

A Passes Management System
With FeePlus, you do not need the physical card that always went missing or messy to track your customer's passes. Passes is tracked electronically.

Have your own business app with no additional cost

A Business App
Having your own business mobile app can be very costly to implement. With FeePlus, you will have your unique application interface for your customers to view their schedules, make appointment booking, and join classes in their mobile device.

Understanding the financial position of your business at a glance

A Financial Reporting Tool
At the end of the day, the most important information for any business is their financial position. Information such as total collection and total outstanding are important for a sustainable business. While additional information such as financial breakdown by services groups, and employees are important for decision making for a business to last forever.

Who uses FeePlus?

FeePlus is suitable for businesses that collect recurring fees. Some of our users are running the following businesses:

Education Businesses

Learn More
Tuition Centre Tuition Centre
Kindergarten Kindergarten
Nursery Nursery
Music School Music School
Ballet Academy Ballet Academy
Swimming Swimming Class
Taekwondo Taekwondo Academy
Hip Hop Class Hip Hop Class

Fitness Centres

Learn More
Gym Centre Gym Centre
Aerial Yoga Aerial Yoga
Yoga Yoga
Pilates Pilates
Muay Thai Muay Thai
Kick Boxing Kick Boxing
Zumba Zumba
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and would like the learning centre that I am attending to use FeePlus.

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